Friday, February 19, 2010

FROGS and Cards

Ok... while I feel very bad for all of the folks up north who are having *SNOW* for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I would like to say Thank You for all of our cooler Florida weather that you have been sending our way!  My naturally curly/frizzy hair is enjoying the weather too!  I must admit though we are running out of warm clothes and for the first winter EVER, our jackets are just not heavy enough to keep us warm... WEIRD!!  On a happy note I had a chance to create some cards with my Mom yesterday.  When she saw my latest CPS card challenge card, she fell in love with it and wanted to create one herself.  She also wanted to create a card that was based on a quilt she made while she was still quilting.  It had an ice cream cone on it with a bunch of colorful scoops of ice cream.  I love how these 2 cards came out and best of all so does she!  We really had fun together and she wants to make more cards!  Here are the two cards she made and I'll try to take a picture of the gorgeous quilt she made with the ice cream scoops!

  I just love how these cards came out!  The glittered ice cream scoops are my favorite!!  Glitter, sheer ribbons, buttons....that's all I need to be happy!  I also received my shipment from Papertrey Ink a couple of days ago.  I can't wait to play with my new stamp set, "Baby Button Bits"!  I also ordered a package of pink vintage buttons and some epoxy stickers as well!  And thanks to Dawn McVey I now know what a frog is and I am waiting for my very own frog in the mail!  A frog is that spikey thing you see on blogs to hold cards while you take pictures of them.  Dawn did a whole blog on frogs and you can click here to see that link.  I ordered my frog from  Here is a picture of the frog that I ordered.

 Dawn is a very talented artist and her cards are GORGEOUS!  Check out her blog here.  There is so much to know and learn and I'm having so much fun learning!  I love blog hopping as much as I do creating my cards!  Another happy note, my Etsy shop has seen some business lately!  There is something so wonderful about selling your very own creations!  I LOVE ETSY!  Thank you to all who have visited and bought cards!
Have a great day!

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